Artist Spotlight - London Diior

You know there are some really really dope artists on Instagram and other social media platforms who I feel are SO dope, but sometimes are just off in the Cut chillin’.
This week I would like to shine a light on London Diior of London Creations. 
When I look at London creations I can’t help but to see passion in greatness in his work.
The color execution and the softness in his finishes are really eye catching. I have only had the pleasure of meeting London once when he visited Los Angeles however it was still very evident that he was very interested in learning more and becoming even better at his craft. I’ve come to understand that when you have passions that lead you on that quest to find out more and that inspire you to learn more and more then you are destine to be great. There is a saying that says when you stop learning then you stop growing and I believe that continuing to have the desire to learn keeps you fresh and on trend. London exhibits that in his work and in his personality.
London is currently based in Chattanooga, TN for now but seeing how talented he is who knows for how long. To see more of London’s work you can find him on IG @london_creations and request a service at London Creations Beauty Studio.

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