Artist Spotlight - Mona Baltazar

   You know there are some really really dope artists on Instagram and other social media platforms who I feel are SO dope, but sometimes are just off in the Cut chillin’. This week I wanted to spotlight a very Talented Artist Mona Baltazar!

   When I first came across Mona Baltazar’s page all I could do is say WOW. The eye she has for carving out perfectly constructed shapes on curly hair is amazing. I love the attention to form and detail within her creativity. I had to highlight her because she is definitely a great example of someone embracing a texture that is so different from her own.

   She has stepped outside the box even though she would look different by doing so and dared to follow her interests which as you can see has been curly hair. Talk about defying conformity. Just like the unconventional beauty of her artistry the hair she works with defies gravity allowing Mona to coif amazing silhouettes on the beautiful clients who sit in her chair. Mona has such a creative eye which I’m sure comes impart from her fashion influence having had graduated with a degree in Fashion Design from FIT ( The Fashion Institute of Technology). Having straight hair allows her to see curls from an outsider’s perspective, working together with her clients to enhance the Beauty that’s already there. This, in my opinion, is so refreshing to see being in the times we find ourselves in today. Many naturally straight haired stylist tend to shy away from textures that seem intimidating such as textured hair opting to take the easier route by mainly working with straight hair.

   I really admire Mona’s aesthetic and initiative in following her passions by embracing and creating with curly hair and using it as one of her mediums for artistic expression. This is one stylist that I would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with next time I’m in the NYC area where Mona is based. Cheers to you Mona Baltazar for showcasing such beautiful hair design on an underrated but very beautiful fabric, Textured Hair! To see more of Mona’s work you can find her on IG @themonacut or check out her website


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