Artist Spotlight - Mattie Michelle

     You know there are some really really dope artists on Instagram and other social media platforms who I feel are SO dope, but sometimes are just off in the Cut chillin’. This week I would like to highlight an absolutely amazing artist Mattie Michelle

     Based out of Dallas Texas Mattie Michelle is one of the dopest texture colorists I have seen ! Seeing her work and the attention to detail and the eye for expression she is definitely a dope example of a true Hair Artist. I was so intrigued viewing her work and seeing the beautiful colors and combinations she crafted. It takes boldness to have a point of view through your work and still be able to sustain yourself in the industry. Most clients go for tried and true looks not willing to venture off in to the unconventional and abstract creations or hair colors. Here you have a breath of fresh air seeing a Black Artist be so talented with the color execution and haircut shaping producing something original and different. I love the color placements and the daring creativity displayed in Mattie’s work. Her artistry speaks for it’s self along with her own personal style to match. I would have to say that Mattie Michelle is way underrated in the field and it would be good to see so much more of her. It can be frustrating sometimes seeing so many other Artists doing their thing and not taking the same kind of artistic risks and daring decisions. I really commend Mattie for staying true to her Artistic expression and delivering something so fresh and creatively inspiring on the regular. She is a beast in cutting and one very talented Colorist! I hope she can stay encouraged to continue such beautiful and inspiring work. To seem more of Mattie Michelle and her work you can catch her on IG @curlycolormagic

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