Be careful what you Say

    Something that I feel is very important that we usually may not pay close attention to is the words we speak. There is so much power in our words and we may be introducing things into our lives unintentionally through our words. People always say that there is power in prayer and when we speak words with conviction, which is what we usually do when we pray, we can see them come to life. This is something I have always known but never really gave it much value until I became an adult. Every word has intention behind it and the intentions can be negative or positive. Knowing that it’s especially important to be aware of the intentions behind the words you say because the intentions are the vibrations that come through into your reality.

    In cosmetology I’m known for the “ Big Chop” and when a client comes to me she can be a little nervous about taking such a dramatic step towards such a transformative change like a new cut. It’s a new self so to speak and one that she is ready to embrace and incorporate into her life. She may say things like “ I’m ready for change” or “ I am getting ready to release my old”. At this point I know that I have to be mindful of what I say to her about the style so that the right outcome breaths through. When she is unsure and uneasy about the outcome I relax her by saying “ try not to imagine how you’re going to look with this particular style. Instead try to imagine how you’re going to ‘feel’ with this new style” Imagining the feeling place of what you want is much easier then trying to imagine exactly what it will look like.

    What you say can be very powerful and a lot of times words can’t be taken back. What you say is important but also how you say what you say can be just as important. When we have disagreements with people they can come about through misinterpretation of words. As the late Dr. Maya Angelou would always say “ a person may not remember what you said, but a person will always remember how you made them feel”. You can say something that you didn’t think would be a big deal but it could have a negative effect on the person you say it to because you are unintentionally not being mindful of how you say what you’re saying. For example, if I need someone to do something for me I can either tell them to do it, which implies that I am giving them a direction or order, or I can ask someone to do something which would imply that I have a level of respect for that person acknowledging that they have a choice to do it or not. Small things like that are what can make the difference between how something is interpreted.

    When I lived in Cleveland it was very common to speak things like “ oh man, I’m trying” or “ sheesh right now I’m so broke”, “ just trying to make it through another day”. The person my not actually be broke but the power behind those words can make that an actual reality. I have to admit I too used to say those things and it was just very common to say. After while it became apart of the regular dialogue I would have with my clients and my friends. I came across a book when I was in collage called “ The game of life and How to Play it” written by an Author named Florence Scovel Shinn. It was written in 1925 but it had wisdom in it so profound that I read the whole book in a short time. She talked about the words you speak and how those words also play apart in the manifestations that come into your life. Automatically I could see how saying common phrases I was accustom to saying was showing up in my actual life. After while I had to make a conscious decision to stop saying certain words. When someone would ask me how I was doing, instead of say that I was so tired and had so much work to do I would instead force myself to say I’m doing well and progressively getting things done.

     If you have been putting things out into the universe that may have been negative for a while it could take some time to see those energies shift. The reason for this is because when you have done the same things or spoken the same words for a long period of time you will have a lot of momentum of that same energy going on. It will take time for you to slow down that momentum and build momentum in the other more positive direction. If a large boat is out to see and needs to make a u turn, it has to first stop the speed that it’s going in order to turn around. After it has slowed down it will take more time for that boat to eventually turn itself around towards the new direction. Once the boat has turned around it will still take even more time for the boat to build speed in the new direction. I wasn’t able to see immediate results when I first put these new concepts into action but gradually over time I started to see the power behind my words and eventually came to understand this truth more fully.

    This New Year I encourage anyone who reads this to be more strategic with your words and your intentions. Speak good things into your life and the lives of others. Be faithful in this practice and have the patience to see it through. Anything that we are learning may take time to master and like yourselves I practice using the right words for things that I wish to come through into my life. Have to also be patient with yourself because as they say ‘ all habits die hard”. Breaking old paradigms and habits can be difficult at first but like many good things gets better with time. Wishing all the best this year and much fulfillment for us all as we travel this journey of life. Peace and Blessings


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