Don't allow frustrations to make you miss out on positive outcomes!

Being busy can be overwhelming at times and it can also have a negative effect on your relationships if you allow it. Sometimes I find myself being so overwhelmed with clients, deadlines, and things that I need to do that I have to catch my attitude and make sure that I’m not taking my frustrations out on other people. Being kind takes effort. It's a muscle that you have to work out until you get really good at it. Despite circumstances that may arise, you always have to put your best foot forward and that includes putting on a smile sometimes even when you don’t want to.

I have to admit, I do fall victim to negativity. I also get upset to the point of wanting to be rude or cuss someone out. It's something that can well up in you and explode if you let it. Circumstances happen all the time and most of the time you have no control over it. Missing your flight because your ride took too long to pick you up. Getting ready to do great work, but you're missing your favorite tool. Applying a toner to someone’s hair and it doesn’t do what you thought it was supposed to do. A client showing up late for their appointment and putting you behind schedule for the whole day. All of these are examples of situations that can set you off. However, I have discovered that when you take the time to calm down; you give yourself some time to asses the situation and approach it with a level head. You can almost always turn the negatives into positive and you might just have to walk through the fire to do it.

There was a new client that came to me, but she was late so when she arrived I didn’t have a lot of enthusiasm about servicing her. Knowing what I know now about checking my attitude I made an effort to still be kind and welcome her into my chair. She wasn’t the usual girl I see who comes in, her wardrobe was very loud, she was wearing a loud colored wig and she seemed to be unaware of how things go in a professional environment. I was judging her and didn’t even realize that I was doing that. As the experience continued, we started to talk and through our conversation I found that she was a very humble woman willing to take direction and open for my hands to deliver to her a new look. She was depending on me to give her a breath of fresh air, because she had been feeling stale and came to me in hopes to have a fresh new look and start.

As we talked she told me that she was starting s new business and physically wanted to reflect the new initiatives that she was getting into. She wanted to be taken more seriously. I finished her new look and we ended up having a great time. I learned that you really can’t judge a book by its cover and that everyone should have the opportunity to change without the stigma of their past or outward appearance. She left feeling good about herself and she also made me feel really good about myself as well. If I had been in a negative space I wouldn’t have been able to have that rewarding experience with her and she may have left feeling bad a bout the decision she had made to come to me in the first place.

Keeping a good attitude helps you to receive good outcomes. Through remaining positive you can turn a bad experience into a rewarding one. It can be hard in these times we live in to do so but it can be done. It can be done with effort and a willingness to smile through your frustrations.

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