Handling The Winter

    We always talk about change being one of the things that is constant in our lives however we never really mention that there is one other thing that never changes. Seasons! Just like the day will continually change to night and the summer will eventually go into winter, we will always have to deal with seasons in our lives and this is a thing that will never change. Seasons are not limited to just the weather that shifts but also to the times in our lives when we can be up and enjoying life to the fullest or when we are down and having challenging times. When faced with challenge we tend to forget that it’s a season that consistently changes. During such times I have found it very necessary to cultivate patience. Patience is a virtue and it is because we need it to survive in rough times. We all love when our lives are in summer but what do you do when life is in winter? Can you weather the harsh reality of your winter season when things turn cold?

    When it comes to seasons things can shift in any category of our lives. Rather it is emotional, financial, career, social, or mental we tend to have periods of ups and downs. When one of these areas comes into a winter it can seem like the world is ending or as if you can’t really get a moment to catch your breath. In these times it’s even more important to strengthen your faith and to have patience for what to come. With these times it’s best to allow things to run their course. We tend to want to make things happen or force the situation into a summer but usually when you force things or fight against the grain you get lash-back that can either hurt you or draw you further into the abyss of uncertainty and dismal feelings.

    One thing that can help you when in a winter season is to stay prayerful. Prayer gives you faith and faith gives you patience. Through prayer you activate your power of faith, faith that things will be Turing around soon due to you having prayed for it. When you have faith then you have more patience. You start to cultivate more patience through faith when you believe in your prayers. Your patience is a testament to the knowing that things are working in your favor. Usually the winter that comes is here to teach you, is actually here for your greater good somehow, and definitely will not be around forever.

    There is a saying that goes “ the harder the battle the sweeter the victory”. This quote definitely imparts faith that although you may be going through a winter now the spring and summer that follows will be greater than your winter. This is a cycle that never changes and knowing that you can trust that something good is always on the way .

    Sometimes we tend to blame bad times or tough winters on God however we can’t do that. Everything is always happening for a reason and so in most cases the winter really reveals to you how things work out in mysterious ways. If you never knew you could get through something the winter will show you that you can. Winters also can come to show you things you were blind to during your summer. It can reveal to you aspects about people or certain situations the no longer serve you. When in your tough times people can really show you who they are and you definitely end up discovering who your real r=friends are when your in trouble or need help and it can always be disappointing when you discover these unwarranted insights. However through the adversity you strengthen. Through the storms you grow and when you have overcome a struggling time there is a new sense of awareness about things that you didn’t have before. You are more faithful in prayer, you have grace that walks around with you , people can recognize the strength in your character and aura. A person who has been through a lot knows how to appreciate the good and also can be a person who understands other people’s struggles providing to them help, assistance, or advice. You never expect it but your hardest times can be there to help you help another. We all are connected rather we believe it our not and all our experiences are for the greater good of not just ourselves but for the collective as well.

    Winters aren’t forever and they come to make you strong. While in the mists of those wintering times you have to hold on. Hold on until you move through them. Hold on until you can grab the light at the end of the tunnel.  One thing that’s for sure. They won’t last always and your summer is always on the way. After the storm flowers bloom and new beginnings will always be there to reward you for the strength and patience you cultivated. Keep the Faith !


               - G


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