Is love stronger than pride?

If you know me then you know that one of my favorite artist is Sade. I’m not sure why it could be. Maybe her exotic look, her smokey vocals, or probably the real reason would have to be the messages behind her lyrical content. I usually find people who either love Sade or can’t get into her but I guess it’s because to love her is to have an acquired taste for her. I was hip to Sade from an early age riding in the car with my Great Grandmother as she would listen to smooth jazz the wave all the time. The first song I heard from her was sweetest taboo and its still by far one of my most favorite songs. There is a sense of vulnerability in her Lyrics. She wants you to know how she feels and she conveys that message with in a lyrical sound of appeal. One song I was listening to recently called “ Stronger than Pride” had me wondering, Is love stronger than pride?

We always have situations happening in our lives. We seem to be in and out between when everything is perfect and then when thing change and become difficult. That of course doesn’t just apply to relationships but also to life situations in general. Because we are always being strong and not allowing people to know what is really wrong with us we can suffer alone sometimes and it is that thing called Pride that usually is the culprit responsible for us not sharing our feelings, situations, or disadvantages . I too can be one who allows pride to get in the way.
I was with a guy once and I felt like he was everything. We had a good friendship but he was cheating on me all the time. We would break up and then we would get back together. Before the last time we broke up my friends and family begged me not to go back to him. They could see that it was always a repeat and that he probably wouldn’t change, but we got back together again anyways. This time we got an apartment together and everyone who loved me was against it. Us moving in together didn’t change anything although I thought maybe it would. I did find out that he was continuing to cheat and I couldn’t tell my friends and family because pride stood in my way. It turned out that they were right but I didn’t want them to know that I had messed up again. The love I had for myself wasn’t stronger then my pride but the love my friends had for me was. They eventually found out after I had to call them from jail for being arrested after finding out that my ex had cheated on me with several others in our house. So you already know why I had to go to jail . My ex didn’t press charges and my friends helped me to get through that separation. If it wasn’t for my friends I don’t know how I would have regained my sense of self back.
Pride can be an anomaly sometimes and hard to differentiate between having strength. We can not call a person when we should because of pride. We can not apologize for something that hurt someone else because of pride. There’s this thing we’re taught to not let them see you cry. I have to say that in certain situations I do agree with that, however there are some situations where if you don’t but down the wall you run the risk of missing something that is actually good for you. A person can really love you but if you are too proud of a person to show emotions and not let them in you can miss out on a good thing as well. If you really like someone and you feel like you should speak to them but don’t, have you then lost possibly the only opportunity to get to know someone who could have potentially been a great love of your life? If you can’t tell someone that financially you can’t do something and leave them to assume that its really because you are a shady person that you never communicated with them then isn’t it possible for you to damage a good friendship or partnership because of that miscommunication?

Bottom line is that pride can sometimes get in the way if unchecked. We miss so many opportunities because of pride. Miscommunication between two often stems from pride and being stubborn to make a point sometimes can back fire on you. If you love someone having too much pride won’t make the love go away. It always boils down to how much do you love yourself. That is what determines if something is good for you or not and if you should communicate your feelings or not. Does the love feed you or does the love starve you? Does a situation help you or does it hinder you? When you find yourself in that stuck zone ask yourself is this love stronger than pride?

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1 comment

Stacey Ann Chevalier

I think I’m presently representing for pride an because you’re a stranger I think you’re the 1st person I’m admitting this too, your Instagram boo Stacey Ann Chevalier 🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹🇹

Stacey Ann Chevalier

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