Problems are Opportunities in Disguise

     It has been so many times where I have been in a situation thinking that it wasn’t going to work out or that I had to do something that I really didn’t want to do only to find out that by going through it and toughing it out I discovered more about myself or how much it was actually beneficial to my growth in the long run. Sometimes things don’t work out because better things are trying to form. A lot of times when we push through the circumstance we can see that it was a great help to us in the end. There have been so many times where I thought that what was going wrong was the end or was something that I wouldn’t be able to recover from when in actuality going through it helped me to discover how strong I really am, what I’m really capable of and how much power I truly have inside me. Over time and having had been through so many situations like this over and over again I have learned to be comfortable with the uncomfortable and that fear is only an illusion most times trying to distract you from your greatest potential.

    When the problem first hits it’s always something that is confusing and in most cases very frustrating. You start to ask yourself why is this happening and what is this really for? Having been here so many times before I try to stop and wonder what am I supposed to be learning from this? Is there a deeper reason to why this might be happening. Usually it is and even if you can’t see at the time what it could be you should know that the answer is there but won’t reveal it’s self until later or until the time comes when it can be understood fully.

    They say that when faced with a problem you can never solve it at the level of the problem. Meaning that if you are thinking that this is something that is happening to you instead of through you then you will never have a good solution to the issue. Once you start to raise your mind frame and awareness about the bigger picture behind it you open yourself up to receive revelation or solution to dissipate the issue.

    One example is when I worked in a suite a few years ago, we had a water issue occur. Something happened to the hot water tank and therefore we were without water for a day. The problem wasn’t to big at first until because of miscommunication between the owner of the establishment and the electrician one day of no hot water became three and a half days. Now it was a bigger issue partly due to the owner. I was comfortable working there but I wasn’t comfortable with the respect level regarding my concerns with issues I may have had with the establishment prior to this new problem, but I usually would just allow things to blow over or allow time to pass and get over issues that weren’t addressed. In this case because the problem of no hot water was effecting my business and my expenses I had a bigger concern than I did about other things in the past. When I Brought up these concerns and how this water situation was starting to effect my finances the owner really didn’t find any empathy in my concerns and refused to make any financial concessions for my loses. Now here was a problem that was hitting me right in the face but I had no solution to it. At this point I had come to understand that things happen for a reason and when situations come to hit you on the head like that it is just a sign showing you that you need to move in a different direction. In this case it was telling that I would probably be happier working somewhere else.

    The water problem eventually got resolved and things were back to normal but I couldn’t shake the fact that I was realizing that my value there wasn’t as important because the Owner had no empathy for my concerns. My mind started to think of new ways to work and new areas I would be happier in. Eventually a few months later I came across a perfect opportunity to relocate my business to a more comfortable and private area. I had aways wanted to have more of a private salon space and so I moved. This hot water issue had became the catalyst for me taking the initiative to step out towards this new position. If the problem hadn't occured I may have never had the push I needed to take actions in a new direction for my business. Looking back at the situation I am way more happy where I am now and I have been able to cut expenses due to the move. It turned out to be a way better situation and I no longer had to feel like my business didn’t matter because I worked under people who didn’t really care about my business or my concerns.

     It’s always best to look for the silver lining in any situation and to be calm during the storm. Things will always eventually turn around and most problems are just opportunities in disguise . When you can trust in your heart of hearts that what ever is not working out for you is actually a good thing because it means that something new or better is trying to take place instead, then you realize that although problems may come they will also go just like the days pass and we live through them so shall we live through our problems. Once we move through our problems we will see the opportunity for grow that is actually there waiting for us.



                                                                - G 

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