Simple Things

Sometimes I look at things on Instagram and I think wow, it’s so much going on. There is so much to see and so much to compare yourself to. In some cases it may drive you to work even harder to keep up with so much that’s going on all the time. Work, achievement, hustle, grind, exposure, acknowledgment. It’s all so much after the repetition of it for too long. When things seem like they are moving so fast and you have so much to do and you have so much on your plate that you have to clear out and get done you may feel yourself wanting to explode with all the tasks and to do lists. When this happens you get so distracted until you have a moment that shifts your focus from all that ruckus. The distraction usually takes the form of a beautiful sunrise in the morning when your up getting your morning coffee while gazing out the kitchen window. Or when you’re catching a flight out of town and the plane is taking off, you have to cut your phone off, and you take a look out the window to see the enormous sky and smallness of your self in such a large world. Sometimes it’s the simple things that remind you that life is really beautiful and there is something more fulfilling beyond the rat race dominating our perspective everyday .

Isn’t it gratifying to go on a trip unbothered by the obligations of your daily life your mind uninhibited and free to relax into each new moment happening along the experience of that new adventure? One of the best feelings is experiencing a good time with friends or loved ones and just sitting with and being in each others company. It’s fulfilling to have a chance to marvel at a beautiful garden or landscape, get immersed in the discovery of new things in a new city that you’ve never been before. Even admiring a butterfly flowing by while you sit on a park bench watching people interact and go about their daily lives. It’s truly a blessing to have these calming and uplifting experiences in life. Distracting you from all the pressures of getting things done and rushing through obligations.

Its one thing to be determined and ambitious, hungry for achievement, but what about fulfilling your inter peace. After you have gotten to a certain point in life and you have enough financial security to relax a bit what fills your soul up at that point? What things are you cultivating in life that with give you great stories to tell? One thing for sure you have to be present with family and friends so that you can still create beautiful moments and memories.

Looking back on the past I have had some of the best times with friends. Times that I now I will never get back again. Rather it was catching a greyhound bus to Atlanta and anticipating a great weekend of fun filled events and day parties, or going to a new city for the first time to explore what hasn’t been seen yet. I have had some really good times that I will never forget. Another thing that dawn on me over time is that you never get moments like that back and when your in those moments you never can predict that they will be moments that you will always cherish. Knowing this I feel that it’s important to cherish each moment of leisure and fun under the sun that we can. I was chatting with an old friend of mine and we talked about the good old days when things were easier, we had no huge bills to pay, or obligations to meet. We were so carefree in our enjoyment of the present moments with a positive anticipation of what might be next for us in life. As time passes you realize that those moments of fun are ones that come often and that when you have times like that happen again you have to allow yourself to be in the moment and to let go in the enjoyment of those experience because once again you will never get those moments back again. Of course there are always new moments to come however you never know which ones will be the most memorable so you have to grab them and be in them as present as possible.

When we have so much to do and our lives are filled with tasks its important to remember the simple things in life and how those are the things that fill up our souls. It’s true that when you find something you love and you’re doing that then work will never feel like work , however I have found that what you do for a living is different than what you do for leisure time. Leisure may include a short walk in a garden and admiring the roses that are blooming there, or going for a mid day drive up the coast just to stop on the side of the road and awe at the beauty of the ocean or even to sit by a creek and listen to the sounds of birds and the flowing water that passes through the rocks as your mind drifts into the calm of nature. These are some of the moments I refer to that feed your soul. Next time you have an opportunity to “smell the roses” make sure you do so to the fullest and remember that a moment so precious may not happen twice.


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