Staying Committed

When it comes to following through with a dream or an accomplishment I feel that the one factor that tends to get overlooked is committing to it. A lot of times we want something but we’re not willing to commit fully to it. It can be the role on a new series, moving to a new city and starting a new life, getting out the country for the first time and exploring, asking that person out on a date, a lot of different scenarios to consider but the one thing in common with all of them is that when you want to achieve it we have to commit to it.

Commitment : the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity. When it comes to making a decision to go after something you really want do you consider being fully committed to it accomplishing it? I hear less about commitment these days. We can dabble in a lot of different things thinking that eventually it will come to fruition, but we forget that it requires our total commitment and belief to come through. We can dabble a little bit with painting, we can dabble a little bit with singing, we can dabble a little bit with hairstyling, and that’s ok if your not looking for it to be your main career, but if we are to truly get the most out of our efforts and want more from these pursuits we have to first commit 100% to the goal. If I’m going to get on stage rather it be for singing, dancing, acting or educating I have to commit to the goal so when I get up there the talent is really felt. If I’m not all in then that will come across when I’m doing whatever it is I have decided to do. Say for instance a song. If I want to get up on stage and sing a song I have to really find the feeling place of this song so that the meaning behind what I want to say can be heard and felt. I attended an online class for songwriting at Berkley once and one of the first things you learn about writing songs is that a song is what you have to say in the best way. So if you have a song to sing it must be something you really want to say and in order for it to come out in the best way you have to be able to commit to it fully. Committing to it fully means you will have to practice the song over and over again before its time to preform it so that the words are memorized. Knowing it by heart allows you to deliver it with as much feeling and truth so that the audience will be able to feel the song as well. If you are not willing to fully immerse yourself in whatever project you want to do it will definitely show on the outside. Think of the times when you have to start a new work out regime or a new diet plan. It takes lots of commitment to get the results you want. Even in a relationship you have to stay committed if you care about the relationships growth. Staying committed means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you. Thats the funny thing about commitment too, your mood can change as time goes by but as soon as you give it up you run the risk of regretting that you gave up too soon. Don’t want to end up thinking back on that time that you should have continued and now that time has past your left wondering how far you could have been if you toughed it out and stayed with it.

To commit means that you are fully in and that also requires courage. It can be hard if you commit to something and you fail 10 times, but will you have the strength to get up that eleventh time to try it once again? It takes dedication to really stick it out and stay all in. For me styling hair and educating has been something that I have been totally committed to. I have wanted to be the best I can be so I have taken advance courses and trained. I have practiced and committed myself to it. I believe the is why I have been able to get so much back from it. Don’t get me wrong there have been lots times that I felt I wanted to give up on this but I stay in the game. At times just when you want to give up there is a glimmer of hope that comes through to give you more gas to continue on. Can’t say it has been easy. It has certainly been along journey and one that I still have to be committed to. If you are passionate about something it’s easier to stay committed. Commitment with passion can be a win win situation but most times it comes long after you have embarked on the journey. If you find yourself wondering if you should continue with something even if you haven’t gotten to the fruit yet ask yourself how passionate you are about it and if you still find great passion in it then you should still pursue it. Your breakthrough could be right around the corner peeking though just before you were ready to through in the towel.

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