Taking Time Out to Notice Who Your Client Is

A lot of times we tend to not take the time to really get to know our clients. I believe getting to know our clients a little better helps us to customize a service that is really special for that particular client. Some clients have very stressful lifestyles or work situations and the time they spend at the salon is actually a small retreat. After having a very busy day and doing multiple tasks that require the use of mental focuses and in most cases physical labor its important to have a situation somewhere in your life that allows you to relax and just take it easy. The salon definitely provides a space like that for the clients. Even the simple things like shampooing the hair can actually be a meditative space.
A good elements to add to the shampoo are soothing sounds, and or soothing scents. This creates an environment of tranquility helping to put the client at ease. A client who likes to have fun and who likes to go out often or experience time outside the house may have a lot to talk about or be in the mood to share lots other experiences. The salon chair is definitely a great outlet for that and is a benefit for the client as well as the s stylist. I have learned so much from my “ Tribe’s “ experiences that have actually enriched my life as well over the years. A person who stays at home often or likes introverted type of settings can usually like research, reading, or learning themselves and  may enjoy the stylist talking and initiating conversations seeing as how their insight could give a little insight to their own circumstances. 
Personalities are usually reflected in the hairstyle choices of the client and by getting to know your client a little better you can have a more concise choice of what style might suit them and represent there individuality best. Besides the cut colors are a big reflection of individualism and people with loud bold colors usually are types who like to stand out were as folks with darker hues tend to be more conservative or just not looking to have so much spotlight. However the circumstances work out its clear that getting to know more about your client can help in providing exceptional service for them. Service that will consider their needs and that turn out to be very satisfactory for them. 

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