The Human Condition

As we live our lives we encounter many ups and downs. The world is filled with so much and at times it can be hard to take or it can be so gratifying that we just are overjoyed with love and excitement. Circumstances always come to teach us and they often times have so much to reveal to us. I can find myself contemplating on so much at one time that it can be overwhelming at times. So many questions can spring up in the mind at any given time . Questions like, how much compassion should you have? What makes a great leader? Is my suffering for a reason or in vain? Who is the best? Am I right or wrong for expressing my preferences? What makes art touching? Is being myself good or bad? Where do I stand in this world? The questions can go on and on. With so much to think about it’s amazing that we continue on doing what it is that we do, what ever that may be. Sometimes you're very busy running around and getting things done with a zest and passion and then at other times you can be slow to move and drained from all the obligations and thoughts that go on in your head. How do we know if we are on the right path or doing the right thing?


Working for so long in the salon I have come across so many stories of the human condition. However I see that some of the same themes can be seen through out peoples lives but with different scenarios. I guess that’s why so many can like the same things or connect to the same news, books, or television shows. We all have the same feelings however they show themselves or come out in different ways. It can be pain, sorrow, sadness, or love, joy, laughter,  and excitement. How we receive and deal with different themes are dependent on our experiences and knowledge . No matter what we go through we  can only see things  how we know to perceive them. Depending on where we were born and how we were raised we all see the world through different lenses. Though we are all different there is something inside that keeps us going and continues to fuel a desire to live. Even though we may not plainly see why we are here on earth or why we individually do what we do we still carry on and continue.


Beyond our different perspectives we are also all going through different phases in life. We are always at one point and inevitably going to move into another. As I look back I can see that things have progressively gotten better and that the past taught me while at the same time released me from mental bondages that at the time seemed so set in stone. One of the things that can separate us from each other is growth. Did we move through each phase changed or did we stay the same? With the dynamics and processes of growth being so different it’s no wonder that we also encounter so much contrast and friction amongst each other as well. We have so many different perspectives about life ( because of our separate experiential  knowledge) that we’re bound to have contrasting circumstances or differences. Thats why communication is so important with each other. Through communication we may be able to see from another person’s view.


At the end of the day we are always trying to do our best and every one of us wants to get ahead, be loved, and to survive. If we know that about each other perhaps we can look beyond the surface of our differences and cultivate more understanding of each other. Of course we may not always see eye to eye but we can at least begin to have more compassion and empathy for each other through just knowing the about the Human condition. Perhaps with those perspectives in mind we can be one step closer to having more peace in the world .

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