The Process

    In all of time we have constantly been growing and evolving. It’s interesting to look back over time and see how far we have come. Just like the ages and time periods change so do we as individuals, and each generation ushers in a new thought process, idea, or discovery. This change that comes in comes from the evolvement of each person changing and growing individually and adding their experience to the collective which over time looks to us like evolution. If we were to break down the process it would be a very intricate understanding of how things work in the Universe, but one thing is obvious, we keep getting better and better with time and after a while we realize that the goal never is reached because the goal is actually the process itself. Trusting in the process or flow of life allows us to free ourselves from the pressures of life that are just imagined anyways.



    Everything has a process. There is always a systematic way of getting an end result. Sometimes we fandango things or use short cuts but nothing minimizes method or technique. I like to think that there is truth to this in regards to how evolution takes place as well. There are step by step experiences that contribute to a whole view point being real or being substantiated. A lot of people have to experience the same thing for it to be believed as true and it may take many years decades or centuries even for something to be experienced by enough people or for us to discover that an old way is gone and a new way is the better way.


    The concept can be better understood with hair and the tools we use for hair. Back in the day we would use stoves and marcel irons for creating our styles. As time has gone on we have learned easier and more time efficient methods that allow us to get to our end result a lot quicker than back in the day. The electric flat irons and in particular the 3/10th inch electric flat irons have come through for easier styling of shorter hair. Even though we see this on a broader scale now throughout salons especially black salons, we didn’t have to idea of it initially. We needed to go through circumstances that showed us that such a tool was needed. The circumstances we encountered introduced to us a desire to have a more efficient way of curling short hair but it took many individuals to have this same type of experience before it was recognized as a need. We are all connected through the subconscious so when an idea is formed it can be accessed from any one of us. The idea was captured from someone who actually had the initiative to take action and develop the product. Afterwards many other versions of the same tool came out and now it is more common place to see one being used. In that same instance the old tool is no longer as useful and soon becomes a thing of the past. This is a process and one that is of evolution.

    Knowing that it is easier to see the process in our own lives. The process of our own individual evolution comes through in our many experiences which teach us more of where we need to grow or how we can become better and more effect ourselves. It takes a lot of experiences negative or positive to make use realize more of our potential. What I have been learning lately is that having this awareness actually sets you free to just enjoy your experience ( process) without the pressure of getting things ‘right’ all the time. Rather a situation is negative or positive it is there to help you grow and evolve. It is neither good or bad it just is a tool within the universe working on us directing us to become better and more evolved.

    There are levels of evolution within this process and I feel its good to accept how they work . When we go through something we can feel it inside and we feel it because everything is energy rather on a microscopic level or a macro level. Energy translates in to vibration and rhythm. When you feel good it is registered as a high vibration so it’s a faster moving energy. When you vibrate at a lower energy it is a slower moving energy. Thats why when we are negative thinking the things we want tend to take longer to get to us and when we are positive thinking are desires come much quicker. We can see this in our lives when we experience joy or sadness. In the flow of joy we are moving faster, agile, happy, and in the flow of life and attracting more energy like that. When we are in the creative process it’s important to get into a higher vibration so that you can be inspired and allow creativity to flow through you. When we adopt the flow of sadness we tend to feel very stuck and slow moving. Almost as if things aren’t really moving and coming together like we want. Janet Jackson said it good in one of her songs “ Funny how time flies (when we’re having fun) “

    Have you ever met someone and you find that it’s so easy to talk with them and you just naturally get along? This is probably because on the energetic level you two are vibrating on the same level and also with the same rhythm. The rate in which you are feeling an energy rather intensely or not is the rhythm of the vibration. When you get into the flow of something like cooking, cleaning the house, painting, moving around and running errands you are in rhythm with the vibration you are experiencing. When you meet someone ( can be a client, friend, or potential partner) and it feels as if you two knew each other already it is because you are vibrating at the same level and at the same rhythm. This doesn’t always happen and therefore when it does it seems very special. Sometimes you may even come across people who are attracted to your vibe and rhythm and subconsciously they want to know you more simply because your energy feels good to them especially if they are vibrating lower. If that’s the case they can recognize you as a light and they find themselves wanting to be around that energy.

    If we take the concept of process, which is a series of steps or actions taken to achieve a particular end we notice that we have to follow this procedure to accomplish something. Thats why when you desire something very quickly but have not gone through the process or try to skip steps you will never get the end results that you want. This is seen in hair cutting techniques. There is a systematic way to go about cutting when attempting to achieve a certain shape on a persons head. There are cutting angles, types of sections to take, and concepts like over direction to apply that will give you the same results every time when done correctly. When we look at a shape or haircut we can see that we want it and inside that resonates with us as energy. We feel we want that or want to create it. In physics energy is just information broken down. There is a code for everything in the universe rather it be a cell, a tree, us and our DNA, or instructions on how to build a computer. The energy can be seen as matter but when broken down it is made up of information. When you come to this realization it is easier to accept the process. The process is in everything, it just may be interpreted in different forms. We have a process for cooking cornbread. We know that when we mix certain amounts of certain ingredients and we put it in the oven on a certain temperature for a certain amount of time we will get the results of good tasting cornbread. Why do we feel sometimes that our growth and evolution is different? We have to go through a process to be transformed into whatever else we want to be and that can require certain ingredients ( elements) , certain amounts of the ingredients, a cooking method ( development or circumstances), and certain amount of time before the new self or thing we want can be ready or come to us. That is another reason that gives you peace while in the mists of whatever process you're in at the time .

    The process is essential to our lives and when we begin to accept the process we find less friction in achieving and getting to the places we need to go. Knowing all this information helps you to understand how life is always happening through you and not to you. My slogan as a cosmetologist has always been “ When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, anything can happen” If you understand this and the concept of the process you can realize this truth. Trust the process and life will open up to you.

                                          - G



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