Time Management

Managing ones time can be a task all in itself. It takes planning and foresight to appropriate your time correctly. Time management is one of the tasks on my list that can be so challenging at times. You have to schedule appointments and work with other people’s schedules, hit deadlines for projects, be at special engagements that are close to your heart, buy advance plane tickets for up and coming trips, remember to call loved ones, cook dinner, finish household chores, and get in a little time just to rest and relax. Not to mention if you have children to take care of or other recreational activities like exercising, sports, or night time classes. Sometimes just thinking about all the tasks at hand can make you want to just get in the bed and put the cover over your head.

When I first started to get really busy I was burning the candle at both ends of the stick trying to get everything done. I would work all day and plan at night, which would leave me staying up to early morning and then only getting about 5 or 4 hours of sleep some nights. Of course if you have the passion for it you can push through and grit it out. However over time that does start to wear on you. Soon you are having bad attitude days at work and being sharp with loved ones over small issues. When it starts to get like that then you know its time for a break or at least a restructuring of how you do things.

First making a list of all the things you have to do is crucial. You have to write things down because if you don’t you run the risk of forgetting to do things. Even the small things like packing your phone charger before leaving out for the day can turn into a big problem if you don’t write it down too. For example if I know I have to go out of town for the weekend I will make a list of all the things that I know I will need while I’m gone then when the time comes to pack I can just go over my list which makes it much easier and effective to get the task done. Also what has helped me is putting things in time slots. Giving myself a set time to get a small amount done with in that time slots I have in the day. If I have to make phone calls I will put them on my calendar along side my appointments for the day and set a timer for them that way if I have 15 minutes I can knock out a call to Mom, or my sister so that they know I still care. I will set certain days out to do planning, grocery and supply shopping or other miscellaneous tasks in one day. I have another day which is usually a Sunday where I will be totally free all day to relax, ponder, see a movie, read, or just simply do nothing at all. Most of my days are so full that I usually have to fight for my time off, but it is so important to have for peace of mind and sanity.

Besides that its good to have a good health regime so that you can keep your body going when you are getting all that you need to get done. Health regime examples that have worked for me include a good diet. I am not the best in the world at keeping up with my diet but I do now how to keep the weigh gain off and how to incorporate things that are healthy for me such as the occasional salmon salad through the week. If I know that I have eaten sweets and a lot of carbs like bread, pasta, or rice meals I will go three days or more switching it up with a few salads low carb snacks or even some keto inspired recipes. If you’re like me and don’t really have a lot of time to cook another option that helps is meal prep delivery services such as Freshly. Freshly is a food delivery service with prepared meals are tasty and satisfy your hungry. They are easy to warm up in the microwave when you’re on the go.

Another example to incorporate is regular exercise. This is also a struggle for me but I get it done. What helps me do that is doing a little something in the morning before I start the day and its easiest for me to do a little something 5 days out of the week then to do long rigorous work outs 3 times a week. Also I’ve found getting it down in the morning before work can be better than trying to do it after a long day of work, but to each his own.

Also taking vitamins once a day is good to keep your system on high, meditation moments which are also good in the morning help to stay centered and trying to shut everything down so you can make it to bed to get a good 7 hours of sleep at least at night is key. A good amount of sleep is very important to even out your energy through the week and of course studies have shown that it keeps you looking younger and more fresh.

To some it all up proportion and organization of your time goes a long way and remembering to love your self which means saying no sometimes is what will help you to get those tasks done that really have to get down as you manage your time challenges. I can’t say that I know everything but I can say what I do know and this has helped me as I hope it can also help you. Thanks again to all my subscribers who read , I truly do appreciate you.

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