
When I first came to Los Angeles I started working at a salon called Eclectic on Wilshire Ave. It was a very nice salon and one that was a tremendous blessing for me. I’m not really sure how my career would have turned out if I hadn’t worked there. It was owned by a lady named Jacque. She was always getting on me about professionalism, aesthetic, and customer service. I learned a lot from her while I was there. One lesson that sticks out is one about value. I was always complaining about not getting enough or not having enough clients. Wishing that there were more walk ins. I guess this equated to feeling as if the salon wasn’t doing enough for me. One day I said something to her about how I felt and she told me that “ you shouldn’t always be looking for what someone can give to you. You should be paying attention to what you give to others first.” What you can give to another demonstrates your value. One can measure their value by asking this question .” If I leave today will I be missed”?

If you answered yes then it means that you do have Value. It means that what you bring to the table benefits someone of something. I’ve never forgotten that. Now I always ask myself when I’m apart of a team, or in the salon, or teaching, if I would be missed. I have to say yes but only others can really say yes or no. Do you uplift the space your in? Do you add to people’s lives or do you subtract from their lives? I ask myself this all the time to know where I stand, I’m always evaluating myself to see if I have added to or subtracted from. When you give to others from the heart, take the time to listen to your clients, or be more understanding of your friends you establish value. Giving financially is of value too however it’s not the only value one can have. There are a lot of people in my life that if they were gone I would miss because in some way they have enriched my life. My clients with their heart felt stories and experiences have taught me about different lessons in life. My family have been there to support me and cheer me on when I’m making big moves and that has encouraged me to continue. My friends have been their to assist me when I couldn’t do things on my own. All of them have value to me and I am always making sure that I have value for them as well.

You attract what you are, someone said. I can testify that that is true. The people that surround me have so much value and therefore are a reflection of myself. When I think that I don’t matter I look back at all that I have done and still am doing. Every good deed is not always publicized and the things that you do for others don’t always come back in the form of financial gain. The value you give always comes back to you in the form of blessings. Its favor that saves you from an accident or gets you an extra discount at the grocery store you didn’t know you would have. Value is so important and it’s a good thing to keep the right perspectives about it. God uses us in many different ways but in my own opinion I feel it is determined by a person’s heart. If you have good heart God can use you in many ways. If you have a bad heart well …God can use you still just in other ways but may be unpleasant and as an example for others. Keep the heart good, keep the value steady , and continue to gain the blessings that are abundant for you in this world. If we want to see more value in our lives we must first look at the value we give.

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