This life is such a journey and the more I grow the more I know. Or at least discover. Seems like when you learn one thing you turn around and have to learn another. Lately I’ve been learning how to be more patient. Patient with myself as I grow and patient with my clientele. Patience is such a virtue and one that constantly takes on new meaning.
When you think about the things that require patience such as going to cosmetology school and completing 1500 hours, being in the salon to build a clientele which can take 2 to 5 years, preparing to buy a home and saving for that, or starting your first LLC and all the logistics of that it can be extremely tiresome.
However, each step prepares you for the next step allowing you to grow wiser with each passing task. After you complete one task, the next task becomes more complex, but you have trained your brain to accomplish each task so you can adapt to pivot through the challenges. Sooner than later you look back at what you have accomplished and you wonder how did I DO ALL THAT?
I reference it to a painting. There are many different elements that distinguishes a painting between being a masterpiece or just a really nice painting. In order to make a masterpiece there are more complex techniques required. Elements include what kind of paint your going to use, what kind of brush and brush strokes will be used, how large the canvas will be, perspective of light and dark colors. You also have to consider the overall concept of what you want the painting to be and the feeling you want to convey from the painting.
Each element is just one part of the masterpiece, but you have to fully understand each element before you apply it. That requires patience. Patience to learn about each element separately before the painting takes on its whole form. Our lives can certainly be an example of this. Each task that you fully develop and apply is like one element that you need for your life (painting). Will you take the time to learn about all the elements that you possibly can before applying them to your canvas (journey).
Will you be patient enough to take that time and complete the understanding of each element required to make your painting a living masterpiece. That is the question that I ask myself all the time when I get weary or confused. Will I give up on this and miss one of the element that I need or will I have patience enough to see it through to continue on with making my masterpiece.
I guess you can also settle down and appreciate just having a really nice painting. Which would be cool as long as you don’t regret not applying more of those elements that you didn’t take the time to learn about. The meaning of patience grows broader and broader as time continues on and knowing that gives me peace as I carry on with the tasks at hand. You may not get it all done today, but as long as you keep trying for it until it's complete; you are still one step closer in the direction your supposed to be in. All those years that may seem like nothing, will definitely show in time why going through those periods were necessary.
Each element is different and may not be fully realized until its finished. Knowing this as we keep moving forward; we can keep our head up towards the sky gazing at that beautiful sunrise that shines beyond the peak. We can for sure produce a really beautiful masterpiece!
Just always remember that patience will be one of the most important elements.
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