All Plans Take A Different Turn

Moving along with your plans and continuing on your path is not always easy. You can get very caught up by distractions. Distractions come in many forms. You can have a distraction from a relationship, a distraction from your other desires, a distraction from money issues, or even wanting to have more fun. The challenge is letting go of the distractions and pushing through to reach the goals that you have set. Anytime you make progress its possible that something may come in to turn your focus around. Your mood can shift from a distraction and then you lose the motivation that has propelled you in the first place.

It’s always good to reevaluate how far you’ve come. How much does the goal really matter to you. If the goal doesn’t matter a lot to you then its very easy to become distracted and use the distraction as an excuse to not finish. People who achieve their goals and get to the places that they want are the ones with strong will power and strong desires to complete what they have started.

Sometimes the most common distraction is a relationship. Now don’t get me wrong. Relationships are beautiful and can be very uplifting. If your in the right one. However if your not then you can allow it to distract you right out of the things that your supposed to really be focusing on. A good one encourages you to continue your work and definitely won’t stand in the way from you achieving those goals.

Even your friendships can sometimes be a distraction. If your goals consist of things that aren’t socially comfortable with what your friends normally see from you then they can unintentionally make you feel silly for doing them by judging you, criticizing what your doing, or even making you feel guilty for not hanging out with them as much. Sometimes you have to lose to gain and that can include losing friends and relationships that no longer serve your highest potential. We have such attachment to what’s familiar and comforting but what’s familiar and comforting can stagnate our growth. Soon you’ll find yourself doing the same old things that you used to do for the sake of staying within what’s familiar and before you know it all this time has gone by and you could have been way further along on your path.

Don’t allow distractions to take you off course. Distractions come in many forms, they can be very upsetting set backs or they can be very soothing and pleasurable comforts. What ever form they come in its important to not give in to them when they are taking you off course. You know in your heart of hearts when something is taking you off course. You just have to have the will power to say no to the distraction and yes to yourself.


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