
There are times when doing what you love can be very monotonous and you can struggle with showing appreciation for what you do. Although we may enjoy it; we still have times where things can irritate us and make us feel like we are just spinning our wheels.
These are the best times to have a feeling of appreciation. Appreciation for what you do and how you do it. Its a blessing to have everything that you have and to be out here working. When I get a feeling of monotony, I go within and start to cultivate a feeling of gratitude. We can subconsciously sabotage our blessings when we think that we don’t have enough or when we get upset about things not happening as quickly as we would like it to happen. Immediately change those negative thoughts into positive thoughts.
I may not be THE best cosmetologist in the world; however, I do keep a positive outlook about myself knowing that I am ONE OF THE best cosmetologists in the world. We are always thinking to do things so perfectly. When we compare ourselves to others then we feel bad. We feel bad, because we may not think we measure up to other artists that we admire or who we think is better than us. That is a negative state of mind and you can’t  produce anything good working in a negative space.
Thinking in general is actually a sense that you have to be careful with. We can think a lot of things especially things that aren’t necessarily true and therefore create an illusion in our mind that is so far from what is actually real. 
Having an appreciation mindset is an easy first step into producing a better feeling about who we are and the gifts that we offer the world. Appreciation in the dictionary actually means to increase the value of. Overtime you begin to intentionally appreciate everything in your life.  That new mindset allows the universe to increase in value whatever you are thinking about. Every day I wake up writing out the things that I appreciate. I appreciate my clientele, my work, my talents, my friends, my family, my home, my business, my life and all of my blessing.
I have seen over the years that when I appreciate things, they improve and increase in value. Of course it can be hard to get into the practice of doing that in the beginning; however, it's not to say that it can’t be done. Like anything done in the beginning; it takes time and patience to see something bare fruit. Next time you are feeling stuck, try changing your thoughts to ones of gratitude and appreciation. When a tub is filled with cold water and you start to add hot water to it, it won’t instantly be hot. It will take some time for the hot water to replace the cold water and you will need to continue adding the hot water even though you can’t feel the hot water in the tub yet.
Things take time and you will have to be patient enough to hang in there until your cold water is replaced with hot water. If you do keep appreciating things over time; you will see that they increase in value. Look forward to what is to come. As long as your appreciating your life and your work; then you definitely have a lot to look forward to. 

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