Embracing GoodBye

 Many things happen and always start with a wonderful beginning. The beginning is aways very exciting because it’s something new, however eventually things come to an end and you have to say goodbye. Although somethings stay the same many things change and I have found it necessary to accept the change that inevitably comes and to be ok with the ending. The good thing about endings is that new things are on the way to begin and then you find yourself approaching something wonderful al over again


Saying goodbye can be sad at times. In my past I used to get so down when I knew that time was arriving. Because so many things have transitioned by beginning and then ending in my life I have grown accustomed to letting things go. Of course in some cases it can be a real struggle to say good bye and some good byes are harder then others but if you stay positive about the many things on the horizon that are to come you can learn to be more accepting to the endings that come through and will continue to come through time and time again .


When an ending comes that seems to be so hard to deal with it can be difficult to accept and so we try to hold on prolonging the situation way past the time that we should. When we do we always invite more pain and anguish . Holding on tight to something that isn’t meant to be anymore just causes suffering and most times it is more suffering for you. Because we can’t see what is on the horizon we think that there isn’t something better coming our way. We assume that what ever is ending could be the last time we can have that type of experience. That isn’t a true statement unless we believe it to be . But that is the work that is required to move on. It’s a test in faith. Do you believe you will have better? Do you believe that your glory will shine bright again?


One of the reasons endings can be so hard is because we tend to place a lot of value in the things that we experience as wonderful. We tie ourselves up to things and start to put our self worth in them as if we can only be as great as we are because the experience, situation, or thing validates who we are. A lot of times letting go in necessary just because we have to learn that our value doesn’t come from those things but instead it comes from inside of us . We find this type of scenario often in our relationships and that’s why I feel that relationships are so important to our growth. When a relationship has come to an end and we don’t want to let it go we suffer by holding on to it. Our self esteem suffers as well as our self worth because we feel that we are not whole without it. Same as a career or job. If it has been the best experience ever it can be so hard to let it go when the ending comes. Thats when we cut up and get angry or we become martyrs trying to do everything in our power to hold on to it. In my own life I have suffered from this too and have found myself sad filled with sorrow because something has gone. It isn’t until you realize that it wasn’t even the best yet that you can accept it’s demise. Somethings take a lot of time but that is only because you hold on to the situation inside even well after it has passed and gone. The key is to allow. We have to trust that there is a divine plan and even tho we can’t see beyond our physical eyes what may be next or better we have to trust that everything happens for a reason and the reason will take on new meaning as we move forward and continue on living .


If we really stop to think about it perhaps there are things you have to learn and the situation that ended is a catalyst for you to discover new things. We learn from our relationships and sometimes new ones come in to introduce us to new facets of ourselves that would’t have come if we stayed in old situations . When something is ending it’s probably for the best but the only way to truly know that is to walk through the vale of fear to the other side of goodbye to discover the new beginning that is definitely on its way afterwards.

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