
Everything comes and goes in phases. Sometimes you go through stale periods, then you turn around and go through a windfall of abundance and success. One thing that is constant is change. When we see change happening, it's happening in phases. I feel the phases that you go through are very similar to the phases of hair, which I have categorized in my own philosophy. You have a Growth Phase,  a Maintenance Phase and a Big Chop Phase.

The Big Chop Journey is when a person wants to cut their hair significantly shorter with the intention of creating a dramatic change. This is a transformation in which the individual will cut their old self off or in other words their other persona off, to make room for a new persona they wish to embody. The Big chop is very much about starting over. In life we get to a cycle or phase where we see and feel with our hearts. That is the time to start over or to start something new. When we start something new; we have to let go of the past. We shed our past to embrace our new future. It is a step that isn’t always easy, but when you know in your heart that it’s time; then it's time.

After the Big Chop Journey, we usually move into the Growth journey. This is where we have experienced a new start and we are now ready to grow with progressive improvement towards something more. During this phase we are required to have patience. It takes patience to keep the faith and continue on this journey even when it seems you have so far to go. In most cases the growth journey forces you to accept yourself just the way you are and it makes you examine and notice how much you care about what others think and how they view you. After we have gone through a transformation phase in life, we have to live with our decision and we have to grow from this decision. Anytime you start over you have to also cultivate acceptance soon after. Acceptance of this phase your is who you are right now.

The third phase is one that I call Maintenance Journey. When you enter into a maintenance journey, you are in a space where you have done a lot of work. Now your at a point where you want to maintain what you have to preserve the strength where you are now. If you have developed and had a lot of growth and progress in your life (or in your hair), you come to a point where you want to protect and preserve the investment. Investment can mean the time you spend putting something together like growing your hair out. You want to maintain where you are so that you can continue your stride. Even if you have already had a Big Chop journey you will still get to a point where you actually like what you see and you don’t wish to change anything. You may only want to enhance it through love and care. Nurturing who you have become or in other words maintaining your current look is a very good sign that things are working out for you and that you can be confident in how far you have come.

I often reference hair with life. I feel that it is so representative of life and reflects very much what a person may be going through. At least which phase of life a person may be in. Phases, we all have them but they become more acceptable when we can understand their underlining purpose in our lives after that point we can embrace and accept them fully.

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